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Incident in Grainger Close on 20/02/24

Good Afternoon Resident,


We are looking for any witnesses to an incident on the 20th of February 2024, in Grainger Close, Basingstoke at around 1500-1530hrs. 


The incident occurred after school pickup time in the locality of Chalk Ridge Primary School over local parking issues. 


If you have any information about this incident - Please DO NOT reply to this email - Please call 101 – ref 44240075172 or go online HERE to give your information. Or you can call anonymously to CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.


I would like to assure the community this was a minor isolated incident which we are investigating. 


Sergeant Peter Scamell

Basingstoke Neighbourhoods - West & South


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(Hampshire Constabulary, Sergeant, BASINGSTOKE WEST & SOUTH)

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